This is from a fellow who lives and works in Dearborn!Can't work in the schoolsystem front offices if you don't speak arabic nowand need to know many dialectsas some Arabs can't understand others arabic languageEverybody goes back to thehomeland for months and expects to get passed on to the next gradeit's crazy as I am at groundzero on this.Kids (assuming girls, can'ttell for sure) roaming the hallways in full blown burkaskids attending classes thatcan't speak or understand EnglishAll school monies are beingmoved from the English end of town (irish, polish, Italian etc etc kids) to theeast end (95% arabic) in the attempt to prop up the poorly performingschools .6th graders are reading at a3rd grade level , forget math and sciences.Everybody gets free breakfastsand lunches. after being dropped off in Land Rovers, and the car of choicehere Mercedes or EscaladeIt is very common to have 3families live in 1 house.All garages are beingconverted into living spaces complete with stoves (against all codes ) and thecity council can't find the nerve to enforce the safety regulationsCars end up parked all overthe streets affecting snow plowing, garbage pick up, ambulance runs.I'll send you some pics as Itake themIf this doesn't scare you, youhaven't been watching what has happened to our country in recent years.I bet you can't guess what this is!•إذا كان دخلك الشهري الإجمالي أقل من 150 دولار و 100 دولار أو أقل في الأصولالسائلة )نقود في اليد، الحسابات الجارية أو حسابات التوفير، شهادات التوفير(، أو•إذا كان مجموع دخلك الإجمالي وأصولك السائلة أقل من مجموع إيجارك الشهري أوقسط القرض العقاري زائد فاتورة التدفئة والمنافع العامة، أو•إذا كنت معدوم* الدخل أو أجير موسمي متنقل أو عامل مزارع موسمي ولديك 100دولار أو أقل في الأصول السائلة.*المعدوم هو أن يكون دخلك قد توقف قبل تاريخ تقديم الطلب، أو أن دخلك قد بدأولكنك تتوقع أن لا تقبض أكثر من 25 دولار في غضون ال 10 أيام القادمة.إذا كان أهل بيتك مؤهلاً لمعالجة الطلب في غضون سبعة أيام، فيجب عليك:•أن تشترك في مقابلة، و•أن تقدّم إثباتاً بهويتك الشخصية، و•استكمال عملية الطلب بكامله.لمواصلة تلقي مخصصات الإعانة الغذائية، سيُطلب منك أن تقدم إثباتاً لمعلومات أخرى)مثل الدخل، مكان الإقامة، ..إلخ(. إذا قمت بإعطاء الإثبات عند التقديم، فيمكن أن تُعطىفترة أطول من مخصصات الإعانة الغذائية.المقابلات المعنية ببرنامج الإعانة الغذائية)Food Assistance Program: FAP(يجوز التنازل عن إجراء مقابلة وجهاً لوجه وإجراء مقابلة هاتفية في الحالات التي يشكلذلك على أهل بيتك مشقة. وتتضمن المشقات على سبيل المثال ولا تقتصر على التالي:•المرض.•صعوبات في النقل.•دوام ساعات العمل الذي يمنع من الاشتراك في مقابلة مكتبية.إذا كنت تعاني من مشقة وتحتاج إلى إجراء DHS أخبر الأخصائي المسؤول عنك فWell, it's part of the instructions for how to apply for food stamps in thegreat state of Michigan in Arabic !!Read on:I actually called the Michigan Dept of Human Servicesto check this out and it is true.Have we gone completely nuts!!Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigratedinto the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S.does not allow plural marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, andsigns the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other freeGovernment programs!Michiganhas the highest population of Muslims in the United States .WhenPresident Obama took office the United States paid severalmillions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians , ( AllMuslim ), immigrated here from Palestine . Why? We don't pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I'm sure that some of thoseMuslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslimsalready established there.So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are toldto “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”!CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF - Here is the number 1-888-678-8914.Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires anadditional number of persons fluent in that language to process thosepersons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at anadditional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons toimmigrate here who cannot provide for themselves, and putting them in ourwelfare system?Press 3 for Arabic.This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely , for, as faras I know, no public announcement or opportunity to vote on this wasoffered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance,and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities,without public knowledge or approval.The following link takes you into the State of Michigan PublicAssistance page,(as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for ... (get this) ... English, Spanish, and ARABIC!!!When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen toour governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of"pressing 3 for ARABIC?"Check it out for yourself.(When you get to this web site, just click on the FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS button- those forms in Arabic are listed as ending in AR!!)Please inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the tent!YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK !Thank you Obama. You promised change and you've certainly kept your word!!!!! It's allnegative change but it's change. The Blog of Sam Kegley. Many of my posts to this site are forwarded from trusted friends or family which I acknowledge by their first Name and last initial. I do not intend to release their contact info.
Welcome to my blog . CAVEAT LECTOR- Let the reader beware. This is a Christian Conservative blog. It is not meant to offend anyone. Please feel free to ignore this blog, but also feel free to browse and comment on my posts! You may also scroll down to respond to any post.
For Christian American readers of this blog:
I wish to incite all Christians to rise up and take back the United States of America with all of God's manifold blessings. We want the free allowance of the Bible and prayers allowed again in schools, halls of justice, and all governing bodies. We don't seek a theocracy until Jesus returns to earth because all men are weak and power corrupts the very best of them.
We want to be a kinder and gentler people without slavery or condescension to any.
The world seems to be in a time of discontent among the populace. Christians should not fear. God is Love, shown best through Jesus Christ. God is still in control. All Glory to our Creator and to our God!
A favorite quote from my good friend, Jack Plymale, which I appreciate:
"Wars are planned by old men,in council rooms apart. They plan for greater armament, they map the battle chart, but: where sightless eyes stare out, beyond life's vanished joys, I've noticed,somehow, all the dead and mamed are hardly more than boys(Grantland Rice per our mutual friend, Sarah Rapp)."
Thanks Jack!
I must admit that I do not check authenticity of my posts. If anyone can tell me of a non-biased arbitrator, I will attempt to do so more regularly. I know of no such arbitrator for the internet.
For Christian American readers of this blog:
I wish to incite all Christians to rise up and take back the United States of America with all of God's manifold blessings. We want the free allowance of the Bible and prayers allowed again in schools, halls of justice, and all governing bodies. We don't seek a theocracy until Jesus returns to earth because all men are weak and power corrupts the very best of them.
We want to be a kinder and gentler people without slavery or condescension to any.
The world seems to be in a time of discontent among the populace. Christians should not fear. God is Love, shown best through Jesus Christ. God is still in control. All Glory to our Creator and to our God!
A favorite quote from my good friend, Jack Plymale, which I appreciate:
"Wars are planned by old men,in council rooms apart. They plan for greater armament, they map the battle chart, but: where sightless eyes stare out, beyond life's vanished joys, I've noticed,somehow, all the dead and mamed are hardly more than boys(Grantland Rice per our mutual friend, Sarah Rapp)."
Thanks Jack!
I must admit that I do not check authenticity of my posts. If anyone can tell me of a non-biased arbitrator, I will attempt to do so more regularly. I know of no such arbitrator for the internet.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Dearborn Michigan muslims moved in and took over. ... Thx Marge R! Can it really happen in America? obama brought despicable change ro our Christian nation!
Newsweek's last front page article - Unqualified obama ... Thx Ronald W!
The liberal Newsweek Magazine is going out of business but not before it attacks the President. Wonderful story!This is quite an article, even more so when you consider that NEWSWEEK finally had the guts to admit it. WOW!Newsweek COVER!!! It is their last cover before they fold. Also read the article at the end. AMAZING!!!Finally, Matt Patterson and Newsweek speak out about Baa. This is timely and tough. As many of you know, Newsweek has a reputation for being extremely liberal The fact that their editor saw fit to print the following article about Obama and the one that appears in the latest Newsweek, makes this a truly amazing event, and a news story in and of itself. At last, the truth about our President and his agenda are starting to trickle through the protective wall built around him by the liberal media...By Matt Patterson (Newsweek Columnist - Opinion Writer)Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and disturbing phenomenon, the result of a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages. How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world's largest economy, direct the world's most powerful military, execute the world's most consequential job?Imagine a future historian examining Obama's pre-presidential life: ushered into and through the Ivy League, despite unremarkable grades and test scores along the way; a cushy non-job as a "community organizer;" a brief career as a state legislator devoid of legislative achievement (and in fact nearly devoid of his attention, less often did he vote "present"); and finally an unaccomplished single term in the United States Senate, the entirety of which was devoted to his presidential ambitions.He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature legislation as a legislator. And then there is the matter of his troubling associations: the white-hating, America-loathing preacher who for decades served as Obama's "spiritual mentor;" a real-life, actual terrorist who served as Obama's colleague and political sponsor. It is easy to imagine a future historian looking at it all and asking: how on Earth was such a man elected president? There is no evidence that he ever attended or worked for any university or that he ever sat for the Illinois bar. We have no documentation for any of his claims. He may well be the greatest hoax in history.Not content to wait for history, the incomparable Norman Podhoretz addressed the question recently in the Wall Street Journal: To be sure, no white candidate who had close associations with an outspoken hater of America like Jeremiah Wright and an unrepentant terrorist like Bill Ayers, would have lasted a single day. But because Mr. Obama was black, and therefore entitled in the eyes of liberal Dom to have hung out with protesters against various American injustices, even if they were 'a bit' extreme, he was given a pass. Let that sink in: Obama was given a pass - held to a lower standard because of the color of his skin.Podhoretz continues: And in any case, what did such ancient history matter when he was also so articulate and elegant and (as he himself had said) "non-threatening," all of which gave him a fighting chance to become the first black president and thereby to lay the curse of racism to rest?Podhoretz puts his finger, I think, on the animating pulse of the Obama phenomenon - affirmative action. Not in the legal sense, of course. But certainly in the motivating sentiment behind all affirmative action laws and regulations, which are designed primarily to make white people, and especially white liberals, feel good about themselves.Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back. Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which they are not qualified, yet take no responsibility for the inevitable poor performance and high drop-out rates which follow. Liberals don't care if these minority students fail; liberals aren't around to witness the emotional devastation and deflated self-esteem resulting from the racist policy that is affirmative action. Yes, racist. Holding someone to a separate standard merely because of the color of his skin - that's affirmative action in a nutshell, and if that isn't racism, then nothing is.And that is what America did to Obama. True, Obama himself was never troubled by his lack of achievements, but why would he be? As many have noted, Obama was told he was good enough for Columbia despite undistinguished grades at Occidental; he was told he was good enough for the US Senate despite a mediocre record in Illinois; he was told he was good enough to be president despite no record at all in the Senate. All his life, every step of the way, Obama was told he was good enough for the next step, in spite of ample evidence to the contrary.What could this breed if not the sort of empty narcissism on display every time Obama speaks? In 2008, many who agreed that he lacked executive qualifications nonetheless raved about Obama's oratory skills, intellect, and cool character. Those people - conservatives included - ought now to be deeply embarrassed.The man thinks and speaks in the hoariest of clichés, and that's when he has his Teleprompters in front of him; when the prompter is absent he can barely think or speak at all. Not one original idea has ever issued from his mouth - it's all warmed-over Marxism of the kind that has failed over and over again for 100 years. (An example is his 2012 campaign speeches which are almost word for word his 2008 speeches)And what about his character? Obama is constantly blaming anything and everything else for his troubles. Bush did it; it was bad luck; I inherited this mess. Remember, he wanted the job, campaigned for the task. It is embarrassing to see a president so willing to advertise his own powerless-ness, so comfortable with his own incompetence. (The other day he actually came out and said no one could have done anything to get our economy and country back on track). But really, what were we to expect? The man has never been responsible for anything, so how do we expect him to act responsibly? In short: our president is a small-minded man, with neither the temperament nor the intellect to handle his job. When you understand that, and only when you understand that, will the current erosion of liberty and prosperity make sense. It could not have gone otherwise with such an impostor in the Oval Office.PS: Please send this article to all family and friends throughout America and ask them to read and distribute this article to others.
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Google-Blog Definitionblog, short for web log, an online, regularly updated journal or newsletter that is readily accessible to the general public by virtue of being posted on a website.