Interesting Math.
*******Clinton Archipelago vs. Trumpland *****..

Sam Kegley

8:05 AM (30 minutes ago)
to Gregory, bcc: Frank, bcc: Blaine, bcc: Sarah, bcc: Du, bcc: jackie, bcc: George, bcc: James, bcc: Judi, bcc: M, bcc: Marge, bcc: Nita, bcc: Paul, bcc: Paul, bcc: Pidge, bcc: Ralph, bcc: Ron, bcc: ronald, bcc: Tom, bcc: stan.key, bcc: Beth, bcc: Central, bcc: David, bcc: Elmer, bcc: Gary
Thanks Greg!  I wanted to see these stats and a this is great presentation of them.  Popular vote comes from the Clinton Archipelago. 

This shows the mandate for change for the Trump Adminstration against any so called o or Hill successes.  Extremely well done by