obama Bingo |
Thx Jackie B!
www.skegley.blogspot.com The Blog of Sam Kegley. Many of my posts to this site are forwarded from trusted friends or family which I acknowledge by their first Name and last initial. I do not intend to release their contact info.
Gotta love those grand-kids . . .
I was eating breakfast with my 10-year-old Granddaughter and I asked her,
"What day is tomorrow?"
Without skipping a beat she said, "It's Presidents Day!"
She's smart, so I asked her "What does Presidents Day mean?"
I was waiting for something about Obama, Bush or Clinton, etc.
She replied, "Presidents Day is when the President steps out of the White
House, and if he sees his shadow, we have 4 more years of Bull Shit."
You know, it hurts when hot coffee spurts out your nose.
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I thought everyone knew this.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If wefalter and lose ourfreedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."-AbrahamLincolnTARGETSTORES ARE NOW IN CANADA , SINCE MARCH OR APRIL OF2013.THEYHAVE TAKEN OVER THE ZELLERS STORES. TARGET ISLOOKING FOR NEW AREAS ASTHEY ARE GETTING A VERY BAD RECEPTIONIN THE U.S.MAINLYDUE TO THEIR NON-CHRISTIAN ATTITUDES AND POLICIES.TARGETSTORES HEAD OFFICE IS IN FRANCE . THE OFFICE IS NOWMUSLIMCONTROLLED, WHICH EXPLAINS THE NON-CHRISTIANATTITUDE.WE SUPPORT CANADIAN TIRE, HOME HARDWARE, ETC.THOSEWHICH ARE CANADIAN OWNED AND OPERATED.TargetStores What a surprise! Wasn't it last Christmas thatTarget refused to lettheSalvationArmy ring their bells in front of their stores?DickForrey of the Vietnam Veterans Association wrote:Recentlywe asked the local TARGET store to be a proudsponsorof the Vietnam Veterans Memorial all during ourSpringrecognition event. Remember, there are alsoCanadiansoccupying space on these walls.Wereceived the following reply from the local TARGETmanagement:"Veteransdo not meet our Area of giving. We only donate to thearts,social action groups, gay & lesbian causes, andeducation."SoI'm thinking, if the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall,and Veteransingeneral, do not meet their donation criteria, thensomething is reallywrongat this TARGET store. We were not asking forthousands of dollars,noteven hundreds, just a small sponsorship for amemorial remembrance.As afollow-up, I e-mailed the TARGET U.S. CorporateHeadquarters andtheirresponse was the same...That's their Nationalpolicy!!!ThenI looked into the company further. They will notallow the Marines tocollectfor'Toys for Tots' at any of their Stores. And duringthe recent Iraqdeployment,theywould not allow families of employees who werecalled up for Active dutytocontinuetheir insurance coverage while they were on militaryservice..Now,I'm thinking again.. If TARGET cannot supportAmerican (or Canadian)Veterans,then why should my family and I support their storesby spendingourhard earned American or Canadian dollars in theirstores??? and,havetheirprofits sent to France to Support MuslimOrganizations.Sincerely,DickForreyVeteransHelping VeteransPleasesend this on to everyone you know, to let Targetknowwedon't need them either, we're all in a position toreduce sales tothesestores as soon as this gets around....THEREIS POWER IN THE PEN AND THE COMPUTER EMAILS !!