I don't like the fact that the republicans started out with seventeen candidates, each of which could have been many times as effective as POTUS than any democrat on the horizon. Democrats are married to the secular progressive left. They want to buy all of the votes to win election and they are very close with forty-seven per cent on the government dole right now.
The republicans who have already dropped out will still be great candidates for the cabinet in 2017. as will any of the remains ones. I believe that the truly big money who control the three governmental systems of the legislative, judicial, and executive systems of checks and balances have nearly disappeared.
Lobbyists overly influence the Congressional bodies, the judicial has been loaded left currently and this executive is a protector of only one religious group and knows nothing of military or foreign relations. Besides he is a narcissist that thinks more of his own goals than those of our US citizens.
The year before the elections is spent politicking by incumbents as well as spending a LOT of money on campaigns. I wanted Newt Gingrich for the last presidential run, but inadvertently did not vote for Rick Santorium and he was eliminated. Gingrich and Santorium or Romney and Ryan would have been so preferential too the scum now as potus and veep.
We absolutely need
No More Czars! I would prefer not start campaigns until the year of the elections and limit the dollars spent by any given candidate. We need term limits badly!