
Welcome to my blog http://www.skegley.blogspot.com/ . CAVEAT LECTOR- Let the reader beware. This is a Christian Conservative blog. It is not meant to offend anyone. Please feel free to ignore this blog, but also feel free to browse and comment on my posts! You may also scroll down to respond to any post.

For Christian American readers of this blog:

I wish to incite all Christians to rise up and take back the United States of America with all of God's manifold blessings. We want the free allowance of the Bible and prayers allowed again in schools, halls of justice, and all governing bodies. We don't seek a theocracy until Jesus returns to earth because all men are weak and power corrupts the very best of them.
We want to be a kinder and gentler people without slavery or condescension to any.

The world seems to be in a time of discontent among the populace. Christians should not fear. God is Love, shown best through Jesus Christ. God is still in control. All Glory to our Creator and to our God!

A favorite quote from my good friend, Jack Plymale, which I appreciate:

"Wars are planned by old men,in council rooms apart. They plan for greater armament, they map the battle chart, but: where sightless eyes stare out, beyond life's vanished joys, I've noticed,somehow, all the dead and mamed are hardly more than boys(Grantland Rice per our mutual friend, Sarah Rapp)."

Thanks Jack!

I must admit that I do not check authenticity of my posts. If anyone can tell me of a non-biased arbitrator, I will attempt to do so more regularly. I know of no such arbitrator for the internet.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Southern Ohio Veterans Memorial Highway by-passing Portsmouth, Ohio Great Animation! Thx Denny R!

Check out this video on YouTube:

Very well done video. A smidge long but gives one a good feel for the whole project.

I hope this helps the Portsmouth area.

Thanks Gary! At Thanksgiving we should recognize the soldiers and their family's of the Gold Star ...


This is a story that could apply many, many times.


Lest we forget.

EVERYONE needs to read this, over and over, even if you have received it before. Those in the military that lose their lives, for you, deserve our respect, and gratitude. 

My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We  have an H.R. on this flight." (H.R. stands for human remains.) 

"Are they military?" I asked. 
'Yes', she said.
'Is there an escort?' I asked.
'Yes, I've already assigned him a seat'. 
'Would you please tell him to come to the Flight Deck. You can board him early," I said... 
A short while later a young army sergeant entered the flight deck.  He was the image of the perfectly dressed soldier.  He introduced himself and I asked him about his soldier. 
The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as if they are still alive and still with us.  'My soldier is on his way back home' he said.  He proceeded to answer my questions, but offered no words. 
I asked him if there was anything I could do for him and he said no.  I told him that he had the toughest job in the military, and that I appreciated the work that he does for the families of our fallen soldiers.  The first officer and I got up out of our seats to shake his hand.  He left the Flight Deck to find his seat. 
We completed our preflight checks, pushed back and performed an uneventful departure.  About 30 minutes into our flight, I received a call from the lead flight attendant in the cabin. 
'I just found out the family of the soldier we are carrying, is also on board', she said.  She then proceeded to tell me that the father, mother, wife and 2-year old daughter were escorting their son, husband, and father home.  The family was upset because they were unable to see the container that the soldier was in before we left.
We were on our way to a major hub at which the family was going to wait four hours for the connecting flight home. The father of the soldier told the flight attendant that knowing his son was below him in the cargo compartment and being unable to see him was too much for him and the family to bear.  He had asked the flight attendant if there was anything that could be done to allow them to see him upon our arrival.  The family wanted to be outside by the cargo door to watch the soldier being taken off the airplane. 
I could hear the desperation in the flight attendants voice when she asked me if there was anything I could do. 'I'm on it', I said.  I told her that I would get back to her.
Airborne communication with my company normally occurs in the form of e-mail like messages.  I decided to bypass this system and contact my flight dispatcher directly on a secondary radio.  There is a radio operator in the operations control center who connects you to the telephone of the dispatcher. I was in direct contact with the dispatcher.  I explained the situation I had on board with the family and what it was the family wanted.  He said he understood and that he would get back to me.
Two hours went by and I had not heard from the dispatcher.  We were going to get busy soon and I needed to know what to tell the family.  I sent a text message asking for an update.  I saved the return message from the dispatcher and the following is the text:
'Captain, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you.  There is policy on this now, and I had to check on a few things.  Upon your arrival a dedicated escort team will meet the aircraft.  The team will escort the family to the ramp and plane side.  A van will be used to load the remains with a secondary van for the family. 
The family will be taken to their departure area and escorted into the terminal, where the remains can be seen on the ramp.  It is a private area for the family only.  When the connecting aircraft arrives, the family will be escorted onto the ramp and plane side to watch the remains being loaded for the final leg home. 
Captain, most of us here in flight control are veterans.  Please pass our condolences on to the family.  Thanks.
I sent a message back, telling flight control thanks for a good job.  I printed out the message and gave it to the lead flight attendant to pass on to the father.  The lead flight attendant was very thankful and told me, 'You have no idea how much this will mean to them.' 
Things started getting busy for the descent, approach and landing.   After landing, we cleared the runway and taxied to the ramp area.  The ramp is huge with 15 gates on either side of the alleyway.  It is always a busy area with aircraft maneuvering every which way to enter and exit.  When we entered the ramp and checked in with the ramp controller, we were told that all traffic was being held for us.
'There is a team in place to meet the aircraft', we were told.  It looked like it was all coming together, then I realized that once we turned the seat belt sign off, everyone would stand up at once and delay the family from getting off the airplane.  As we approached our gate, I asked the copilot to tell the ramp controller, we were going to stop short of the gate to make an announcement to the passengers.  He did that and the ramp controller said, 'Take your time.'
I stopped the aircraft and set the parking brake.  I pushed the public address button and said:  'Ladies and gentleman, this is your Captain speaking: I have stopped short of our gate to make a special announcement.  We have a passenger on board who deserves our honor and respect.  His Name is Private XXXXXX, a soldier who recently lost his life.  Private XXXXXX is under your feet in the cargo hold.  Escorting him today is Army Sergeant XXXXXXX.  Also, on board are his father, mother, wife, and daughter.  Your entire flight crew is asking for all passengers to remain in their seats to allow the family to exit the aircraft first.  Thank you.' 
We continued the turn to the gate, came to a stop and started our shutdown procedures.  A couple of minutes later I opened the cockpit door.  I found the two forward flight attendants crying, something you just do not see.  I was told that after we came to a stop, every passenger on the aircraft stayed in their seats, waiting for the family to exit the aircraft.
When the family got up and gathered their things, a passenger slowly started to clap his hands.  Moments later, more passengers joined in and soon the entire aircraft was clapping.  Words of 'God Bless You', I'm sorry, thank you, be proud, and other kind words were uttered to the family as they made their way down the aisle and out of the airplane.  They were escorted down to the ramp to finally be with their loved one. 
Many of the passengers disembarking thanked me for the announcement I had made.  They were just words, I told them, I could say them over and over again, but nothing I say will bring back that brave soldier. 
I respectfully ask that all of you reflect on this event and the sacrifices that millions of our men and women have made to ensure our freedom and safety in these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & CANADA.
Foot note: 
I know everyone who reads this will have tears in their eyes, including me.  Prayer chain for our Military... Don't break it!  Please send this on after a short prayer for our service men and women. 
Don't break it!  
They die for me and mine and you and yours and deserve our honor and respect.

Prayer Request: 
When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world... There is nothing attached.  Just send this to people in your address book.  Do not let it stop with you.  Of all the gifts you could give a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and others deployed in harm's way, prayer is the very best one. 
Thank you all who have served, or are serving.  We Will not forget !!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our good email friends! ,... Thx Paul and Pam! Forwarded by Sam & Jeanie!


To all our good friends out there in email land.
Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. 
Sincerest regards,
Paul & Pam Claxon

Sven's dog - Is your sister a plastic surgeon? Thx Dr. H!

"Is your sister a plastic surgeon?"


Lyle was hunting geese up in the Northern Minnesota woods. He leaned the old 16 gauge against  the corner of the blind to take a leak. As luck would have it, his foolish dog Ginger knocked the gun over, it went off and Lyle took most of an ounce of #4 shot in the groin. 

Several hours later, lying in a Duluth hospital bed, he came to and there was his doctor, Sven. " Vell Lyle, I got some good noos and some bad noos. Da good noos is dat you’re going to be OK. Da damage vas local to your groin, dere was very little internal damage, and I vas able to remove all of da buckshot."
"What's the bad news?", asks Lyle
"The bad noos is dat dere vas some pretty extensive buckshot damage done to your pecker. I'm going to have to refer you to my sister, Lena."

"Well, I guess that isn't too bad," says Lyle. "Is your sister a plastic surgeon?"

"Not exactly," Sven says. "She's a flute player in da Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra And because all you have is Obamacare, she's going to teach you where to put your fingers so you don't piss in your eye. 

Trump best with voter turn-out ... Thx Trump for President - CNBC

If Donald Trump were the GOP nominee, he would cause the highest voter turnout, relative to any other Republican hopeful.John Kasich, on the other hand, would keep people at home.
No matter what party affiliation you consider, Trump brings them out. Republicans, Democrats and independents are all most likely to show up if Trump is on the ballot. (In our analysis, we assumed a constant variable: the Democrats nominating Hillary Clinton.)
Not only do they show up to vote, but they vote for Trump. He's got the highest percentage of voters — across both parties and independents.
The other candidates cause more of a snooze response from the public. Among the Republicans surveyed, Kasich caused the lowest voter turnout. But Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Carly Fiorina all saw lower voter turnouts compared with Trump.
To read more visit CNBC website here
Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Quote of the decade ... Thx Dr. H!

I smell a rat ,,, Thx Marge F!

This fellow is an Historian who offers an assessment of the root of
the problem the world faces today and likely well into the future.
    (It would be good to get this on the editorial page of the major


  Syria has had a civil war for almost 5 YEARS.    Why all the
refugees" NOW and why so all of a SUDDEN and why in such VAST NUMBERS?

With an Honors degree in History and a lifelong student of the subject, I
smell a rat.

This is a highly organized, well oiled, mobilized invasion by Muslims and
Jihadists into the Western World. It's been in their plan for a long time.
Momar Gadhafi predicted and explicitly stated that Muslim domination of
Europe would happen without a conventional war and he said it 30 years ago.
95% of these economic "refugees" many who have cell-phones are men between
the fighting ages of 20 and 40. Very few women and children from everything
I've seen.

Odd that the 5 wealthiest Arab States including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain
and Kuwait are taking "no refugees" and feel quite self-righteous about it.
No guilt what so ever? They are even laughing at us for doing so.

  Ask yourself, why would Germany Belgium, Holland, France, Sweden and
others want to destroy their own cultures from within? It doesn't make any
sense? If this keeps up Europe will be burning daily within a very short few
years if not months. Civil war in the streets between civilizations.
Muslims vs Kafirs, that is to say, everyone who is not a Muslim.

Unfortunately, the reality is that Muslims are just not like any other
immigrants. They don't want to assimilate, they want to set up separate
enclaves and implement Sharia Law. Another problem is that while the
civilized West rightly abhors violence, conversely Muslims daily display
their love of violence. They live it and embrace it. In many Muslim
countries public beheadings and stoning to death for adultery for example.

It's a part of their culture precisely because, dare I say it, Islam is a
death cult.

Islam is a supremacist, totalitarian, bigoted, fascist political ideology
masquerading as a religion. It literally means "submission".
The Quran MANDATES death for blasphamy, for adultery, for apostasy, for
family honour, for being gay, Jewish or a Kafir as well as ten other
"crimes" many not even considered to be so in the West. Death for drinking
alcohol or taking illegal drugs for example.

Why let in vast numbers of these brainwashed people especially men of that
age when past experience has already demonstrated the tragedy, not to
mention the financial, social, and political costs of rampant
multiculturalism in Europe. Ordinary citizens are against this immigration
but strangely, their governments are not?

Someone or some organization is pulling some strings here is what I see.
Is this invasion part of the New World Order's plan to depopulate the
planet? Maybe there's not even any such an organization but it's all over
U-tube and other social media.

The major media are implicit in selling gullible citizens of the West the
righteousness of the "refugees" cause and openly siding against Western
culture. One drowned child's picture in the right places sparks outrage and
sympathy world wide for the movement and resettlement of vast numbers of

However the implementation of Sharia Law, No Go Zone ghettos in most
countries in Europe and Muslim rape gangs go unreported. In radical Islamist
countries honour killings, beheadings, stoning's, cutting off limbs,
whipping and torture, paedophilia, child bride marriages, rape and misogyny
go unreported DAILY and are dismissed as culturally ingrained.

Where is the indignity and the outrage over people doing this every day to
their own populations? Yet a staged picture a drowned baby on a beach sparks
a world outcry?

Muslim birth-rates are 8 children per family while Europeans average 1.4.
When these current millions bring in their multiple wives, children and
extended families 85% of whom live on state benefits (England's
experience) you can multiply their number by at least 10x, maybe 20x or even

By 2050 Europe will be Muslim dominated just by demographics alone.
When their numbers are sufficient they will legally vote in their own kind
and then Sharia Law.

Europe as we know it will be lost forever. Two thousand years of
civilization will be destroyed by the same fanatical bearded, bigoted,
brutal, boneheaded, belligerent bastards who are now slaughtering their own
kind and blowing up ancient and irreplaceable world heritage buildings,
monuments, books, manuscripts and other historically significant art
treasures in Iraq, Syria and other conquered territories.

Canada should not get sucked into this quagmire of political correctness
just to show how polite, civilized politically correct and Canadian we are.
We should learn a lesson from our Australian counterparts.

Blog Definition

On Line Blog Definition
Google-Blog Definitionblog, short for web log, an online, regularly updated journal or newsletter that is readily accessible to the general public by virtue of being posted on a website.