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Dr. Jim Kiourtsis (PHS 51) forwarded The Navy message to me. It made me think again of the heavily US funded UN
Headquarters in NYC.
A tsunami happens in the world and the US Navy sends a ship to the country with ability to feed 3000 people a day as well as to
provide hospital care for the people of the devastated land. Leftists claim the US is so obnoxious. Helping the needy is
ostentatious of the US? It has been that way throughout the history of America. Leftist and today's media spin their news
away from true facts. No socialist/communist country of this world has ever provided their citizens the freedoms we have
experienced in our great country. Many US service people have sacrificed their lives to keep us citizens of this world
The UN, with one vote for each member nation, units to hold America down, not to serve a free world's people.