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National News touts violence in their obstructionalism ...
The Columbus Dispatch is an extremely liberal newspaper. It is comical and tragic that the news depicts President Trump, the first true leader of the USA since President Reagan as the perpetrator of violence. The obstructionist democrat supposed senators and reps have been doing nothing but perpetrating violence since
Donald Trump came down the esclator of Trump towered and announced he will run for PUSA.
All but Fox News and a few radio hosts have reported what Trump's team is accomplishing, much to the chagrin of the never Trumpers and national and even local journalists. The Murdoch sons are allowing even Fox to slide left a little (see Chris Wallace).
There is evil in this world. Far Left and Far Right expose their hate. Christians and Conservatives must stay the course of good in the world. Jesus lived and talked kinder and gentler and we must also as Christians trying to be like Christ.