
Welcome to my blog http://www.skegley.blogspot.com/ . CAVEAT LECTOR- Let the reader beware. This is a Christian Conservative blog. It is not meant to offend anyone. Please feel free to ignore this blog, but also feel free to browse and comment on my posts! You may also scroll down to respond to any post.

For Christian American readers of this blog:

I wish to incite all Christians to rise up and take back the United States of America with all of God's manifold blessings. We want the free allowance of the Bible and prayers allowed again in schools, halls of justice, and all governing bodies. We don't seek a theocracy until Jesus returns to earth because all men are weak and power corrupts the very best of them.
We want to be a kinder and gentler people without slavery or condescension to any.

The world seems to be in a time of discontent among the populace. Christians should not fear. God is Love, shown best through Jesus Christ. God is still in control. All Glory to our Creator and to our God!

A favorite quote from my good friend, Jack Plymale, which I appreciate:

"Wars are planned by old men,in council rooms apart. They plan for greater armament, they map the battle chart, but: where sightless eyes stare out, beyond life's vanished joys, I've noticed,somehow, all the dead and mamed are hardly more than boys(Grantland Rice per our mutual friend, Sarah Rapp)."

Thanks Jack!

I must admit that I do not check authenticity of my posts. If anyone can tell me of a non-biased arbitrator, I will attempt to do so more regularly. I know of no such arbitrator for the internet.

Monday, November 9, 2009

McSanctity of Life- Dawood Kahn

BlankMy friend, Dave Kaehlin (Dawood Kahn) may scare you with his thoughts. Frankly, he gets me at times. He is a bright young, well-traveled fellow and has some interesting ideas to say the very least. From his blog last May:

Alan Dulles, Arbenz, Castro, Chile, Cuba, Diem, Eisenhower, iran, John Foster Dulles, Johnson, Kennedy, Noriega, Richard Nixon, Robert Kennedy, Santiago, Vietnam

The McSanctity of Life!

In Commerce, Middle East, Military, Politics, Vietnam, culture, thinking out loud on May 28, 2009 at 1:21 am

I do not believe that life is sacred. Merely being born does not make one worthy of life nor does it make one entitled to a good life or an easy life. I believe that it is up to each individual to make their life sacred.

I’ve often asked the question and very rarely been answered, but, who defines what life is sacred.

Whose life is sacred Mother Theresa or Hitler?

Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great?

Xerxes or Ceaser?

Attila the Hun or Aetius, Master General of Rome?

Mahatma Gandhi or Kublai Khan?

Ted Bundy or Ted Kennedy?

Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson?

Mussolini or Charles De Gaulle?

Pol Pot or Ho Chi Minh?

Singh Man Rhee or JImmy Carter?

Teddy Roosevelt or FDR?

Chiang Kai-shek or Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong)?

Josef Stalin or Leon Trotski or Vladimir Lenin or the Romanov family they murdered?

Was the life of George Patton more sacred or less sacred than that of Erwin Rommel?

The lives Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. Jackson who were two of the most pious and religious American Generals were more or less sacred than the lives of Grant and Sherman. Sherman who supposedly said that the only good indian is a dead indian and was the author of modern day total war.

The Monk in Southeast Asia who studies Buddhism and teaches by his example yet does not believe in Christ as his savior. Sacred or no?

The Hindu Brahman? Sacred or no?

The Roman Empire and it’s millions of souls. Both the murderer of Christ and the main vehicle by which Christianity became THE primary religion of Europe. Had there been no Ceaser, there’d have been no Constantine.

And in the end, we live our beliefs. America says it believes in the sanctity of life even as we demand higher profit ratios and cheaper sneakers and nicer houses at cheaper prices. These things all come at a high human toll.

Yet, life is sacred?

It’s a good thought that is seldom put into action.

We invade Iraq because it has oil which is the grease of the capitalist machine. Then we stand idly by and watch as genocide occurs across the African continent.

Life is cheap.

There is nothing sacred about it. We love the sentiment. It makes us all feel better. Jesus and his words of Faith, Hope and Love. Christians who worship the man, yet, ignore his words.

Personally, I think Jesus would be ashamed of Christendom.

Life is as sacred as a Super-sized Big Mac Menu Meal.

The McSanctity of Life.

America has proved this time and again. We preach human dignity and self determination even as we support dictators who are willing to do our bidding. We preach self determination even as we have a distinguished one hundred plus year history of deposing democratically elected governments in the name of corporate profits.

Before one of you morons calls me unAmerican or a “blame America firster,” you might want to read a little history. Start with Chile and Guatemala. It’s a world tour. Next stop, Vietnam and Iran. Come on back home and read a bit about Honduras, Panama and Cuba. If you know nothing about these chapters of American history, speak not to me. You’re a blind and ignorant fool.

“Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end”

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