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For Christian American readers of this blog:

I wish to incite all Christians to rise up and take back the United States of America with all of God's manifold blessings. We want the free allowance of the Bible and prayers allowed again in schools, halls of justice, and all governing bodies. We don't seek a theocracy until Jesus returns to earth because all men are weak and power corrupts the very best of them.
We want to be a kinder and gentler people without slavery or condescension to any.

The world seems to be in a time of discontent among the populace. Christians should not fear. God is Love, shown best through Jesus Christ. God is still in control. All Glory to our Creator and to our God!

A favorite quote from my good friend, Jack Plymale, which I appreciate:

"Wars are planned by old men,in council rooms apart. They plan for greater armament, they map the battle chart, but: where sightless eyes stare out, beyond life's vanished joys, I've noticed,somehow, all the dead and mamed are hardly more than boys(Grantland Rice per our mutual friend, Sarah Rapp)."

Thanks Jack!

I must admit that I do not check authenticity of my posts. If anyone can tell me of a non-biased arbitrator, I will attempt to do so more regularly. I know of no such arbitrator for the internet.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

o's agenda is not for American citizenry... Thanks Doug brooke!

HATEFUL ARROGANCE - Obama Turns Back On 9/11 Victim's Sister Who Dared To Ask About Prosecution of CIA Interrogators

Posted by Jared Law on May 6, 2011 at 7:41am in Principles, Ideology, & Religion

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Barack Hussein Obama was humiliated when CIA Interrogators' 'Enhanced Interrogation Techniques' proved that he was wrong about their effectiveness. He was proven absolutely, dead wrong, as was every single Democrat/leftist/liberal/progressive/Ron Paul follower.

There is no doubt, for those of us living in reality, that enhanced interrogation works

But Obama didn't just refuse, but rudely walked away, turning his back, on a 9/11 victim's sister who asked Obama to ask Holder to stop the persecution/prosecution of CIA interrogators. He made it clear that 9/11 families who now realize that enhanced interrogation works, and who want the CIA to be able to use those crucial methods to break the resistance of terrorists who want all Americans to die or submit to Islamic Law (and become slaves/second-class citizens), and want the CIA interrogators who used such things as water boarding effectively and safely, to be free from government persecution.

Apparently, Obama isn't used to American citizens making such reasonable requests, because he treated her like a poisonous snake the moment he realized she cared about this issue, the freedom of the American patriots who help to defend America. He gets angry if somebody wants freedom and justice for those who have sworn to protect us.



Posted on May 5, 2011 at 6:42pm by Emily Esfahani Smith

Debra Burlingame, who lost her pilot brother on 9/11 when his plane crashed into the Pentagon, had a reportedly chilly exchange with President Barack Obama today. During a meeting with a select group of 9/11 families, Obama greeted Burlingame and even hugged her after a few pleasantries.

But when Burlingame asked about Eric Holder’s plan to file criminal charges against CIA interrogators, Obama’s friendly manner allegedly stiffened.

Burlingame asked Obama if he would voice his opinion to Holder on the matter of the investigation of the CIA interrogators. She said, “I know that as a former attorney … you can’t tell the AG what to do in an investigation, but these [the interrogators] are unsung heroes….and they have been exonerated in two justice department investigations. But that didn’t satisfy Eric Holder….Would you, in light of what’s happened, speak to him about standing them [the investigating prosecutors] down?”

Obama allegedly responded that Burlingame is right, that he cannot tell Holder how to conduct his investigation. Burlingame jumped in, saying, yes but “You can give him your opinion, will you do that?”

Obama said, “No I won’t.” And then he allegedly turned and walked away.

Burlingame suggested, “You can do it privately.”

Obama allegedly responded, “No.

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Permalink Reply by Velva Jean Hampton 39 minutes ago

This administration will defend our enemies, but not stand with those who do their jobs in protecting our country! How much more clear can it be? Why did the DOJ let the Black Panther threats go unpunished? Why do they seek to please the Muslims at our patriots' expense? Political correctness only goes one way with this socialistic agenda! BO cannot stand the real truth and won't acknowledge what really enabled bin Laden to be found! He needs an attitude adjustment and a heart transplant so he will have a heart for America, not just for our enemies!

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Permalink Reply by Thomas Schear 30 minutes ago

You just have to ask, whose side is Obama on? His behavior and his words indicates he will do anything to cater to our enemies and anything to insult our friends.

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Permalink Reply by Mike Hampton 29 minutes ago

Can you say "photo op for 2012?" I don't buy his portrayal of a sympathetic Commander-in-Chief; it is all for his political gain. I think his entire itinerary after Osama's death was strictly aimed at re-election.

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Permalink Reply by Cheryl Jensen 27 minutes ago

What an arrogant SOB, I never thought I would be able to feel hate and betrayal in this way, but my heart aches for our Country and the people that died on 9-11. God Bless these fallen souls.

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Permalink Reply by tumbleweed 23 minutes ago

Hes a low life from the word Go

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Permalink Reply by Cheryl Jensen 23 minutes ago

I have not been able to sleep at night, because of what they have done to us. Beheaded, set on fire, limbs cut off, dragged through streets. I think we could handle UBL not being made a hero. This so called President must hate America with every part of his being. God protect us all

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Permalink Reply by Mrs. Robert B Martin III 16 minutes ago

The families of the 9.11.2001 victims were used—again— for a photo op designed to buck-up the illegitimate 'president' who, in my humble opinion, used intel to kill bin Laden ALL to give the alleged 'president' cover from the forged birth certificate he foolishly released, Donald Trump's truth campaign, and the upcoming release of Dr. Jerome Corsi's new book.

Why is it American citizens elect such dispicable men to hold the position of President of the United States of America?

Why is it American citizens are not capable of asserting enough pressure with their elected representatives and senators to investigate a man who, obviously, did not and does not meet the CONSTITUTIONAL qualifications to be president and who after taking his Oath of Office (twice) has continued to violate his Oath to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America?


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Permalink Reply by Susan Albers 16 minutes ago

First of all....this woman is awesome...I have seen her speak several times. Incredibly informed, great advocate for 9/11 victims and families. God bless her!!!

Secondly, Obama is a coward. Got himself elected on a false message. Took advantage of "useful idiots" ...their termonology,not mine. Props himself through deceitfulness, confussion and lies. He is nothing but smoke and mirrors. We all saw Wizard of Oz and know what I am talking about. Dont expect anything less than a coward who turns his back on America. Why is anyone shocked?

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Permalink Reply by sharon ostwinch 3 minutes ago

It is so sad that this administration is on the side of the enemy. These soliders and other personel are keeping us safe and sacrificing the ultimate service to this country. And yet this president will not recognize them or stop penalizing them for doing what they are trained to do.

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Permalink Reply by sunlandbob 2 minutes ago

Capturing Bin Laden is the only thing the Obama Administration has done right so far, and it's as if they're trying to botch even that. I suspect that Obama and his top advisors have known where UBL has been for the past 1-2 years or so, but intentionally wanted to wait for the "right political moment" to go after him. Obama probably didn't want to take any action at all to take UBL out, but was probably vastly overruled by his staff. Only Valerie Jarrett wanted to leave UBL alone.

Rather than modifying his position, and admitting that enhanced interrogation techniques work after all, Obama felt like snubbing the 9-11 victim's family member. Obama doesn't like admitting his mistakes.

It's up to Obama to prove that he cares more about Americans than "citizens of the world", and that he, himself, isn't some kind of Muslim plant that has infiltrated the White House, that should also be kept secret.

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