
Welcome to my blog http://www.skegley.blogspot.com/ . CAVEAT LECTOR- Let the reader beware. This is a Christian Conservative blog. It is not meant to offend anyone. Please feel free to ignore this blog, but also feel free to browse and comment on my posts! You may also scroll down to respond to any post.

For Christian American readers of this blog:

I wish to incite all Christians to rise up and take back the United States of America with all of God's manifold blessings. We want the free allowance of the Bible and prayers allowed again in schools, halls of justice, and all governing bodies. We don't seek a theocracy until Jesus returns to earth because all men are weak and power corrupts the very best of them.
We want to be a kinder and gentler people without slavery or condescension to any.

The world seems to be in a time of discontent among the populace. Christians should not fear. God is Love, shown best through Jesus Christ. God is still in control. All Glory to our Creator and to our God!

A favorite quote from my good friend, Jack Plymale, which I appreciate:

"Wars are planned by old men,in council rooms apart. They plan for greater armament, they map the battle chart, but: where sightless eyes stare out, beyond life's vanished joys, I've noticed,somehow, all the dead and mamed are hardly more than boys(Grantland Rice per our mutual friend, Sarah Rapp)."

Thanks Jack!

I must admit that I do not check authenticity of my posts. If anyone can tell me of a non-biased arbitrator, I will attempt to do so more regularly. I know of no such arbitrator for the internet.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

FW- Moses and the Exodus... Thanks Sarah Rapp!

Subject: Fw: Amazing data on Moses

You may have seen this before

The Exodus is a pretty amazing miracle from several perspectives

This is almost overwhelming when you think about it.

You MUST read to the end: (smile)

Amazing Data on Moses

Moses and the people were in the desert, but what was he going to do with them?

They had to be fed, and feeding 2 or 3 million people requires a lot of food.

According to the Quartermaster General in the Army, it is reported that Moses

would have to have had 1500 tons of food each day. Do you know that to bring

that much food each day, two freight trains, each at least a mile long, would be


Besides you must remember, they were out in the desert, so they would have to

have firewood to use in cooking the food. This would take 4000 tons of wood and

a few more freight trains, each a mile long, just for one day.

And just think, they were forty years in transit.

And Oh yes! They would have to have water. If they only had enough to drink and

wash a few dishes, it would take 11,000,000 gallons each day and a freight train

with tank cars, 1800 miles long, just to bring water!

And then another thing!

They had to get across the Red Sea at night. Now, if they went on a narrow path,

double file, the line would be 800 miles long and would require 35 days and

nights to get through. So there had to be a space in the Red Sea , 3 miles wide

so that they could walk 5000 abreast to get over in one night.

But then, there is another problem...............each time they camped at the

end of the day, a campground two-thirds the size of the state of Rhode Island

was required, or a total of 750 square miles long........Think of it! This much

space for camping.

Do you think Moses figured all this out before he left Egypt ? I think not!

You see, Moses believed in God. God took care of these things for him.

Now do you think God has any problem taking care of all your needs?

I asked the Lord to bless you As I prayed for you today.

To guide you and protect you as you go along your way.

His love is always with you and His promises are true,

If we give Him all our cares, rest assured He'll see us through.

Our God is an Awesome God!!

So when the road you're traveling on seems difficult at best,

just remember, keep on praying, and God will do the rest.

Pass this to people you want God to bless.

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