
Welcome to my blog http://www.skegley.blogspot.com/ . CAVEAT LECTOR- Let the reader beware. This is a Christian Conservative blog. It is not meant to offend anyone. Please feel free to ignore this blog, but also feel free to browse and comment on my posts! You may also scroll down to respond to any post.

For Christian American readers of this blog:

I wish to incite all Christians to rise up and take back the United States of America with all of God's manifold blessings. We want the free allowance of the Bible and prayers allowed again in schools, halls of justice, and all governing bodies. We don't seek a theocracy until Jesus returns to earth because all men are weak and power corrupts the very best of them.
We want to be a kinder and gentler people without slavery or condescension to any.

The world seems to be in a time of discontent among the populace. Christians should not fear. God is Love, shown best through Jesus Christ. God is still in control. All Glory to our Creator and to our God!

A favorite quote from my good friend, Jack Plymale, which I appreciate:

"Wars are planned by old men,in council rooms apart. They plan for greater armament, they map the battle chart, but: where sightless eyes stare out, beyond life's vanished joys, I've noticed,somehow, all the dead and mamed are hardly more than boys(Grantland Rice per our mutual friend, Sarah Rapp)."

Thanks Jack!

I must admit that I do not check authenticity of my posts. If anyone can tell me of a non-biased arbitrator, I will attempt to do so more regularly. I know of no such arbitrator for the internet.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SamKat's current rant

I am a Conservative Christian.  I am neither Republican nor Democrat.  I will be 81 years old in November.  I am becoming more forgetful and I am concerned.  Recently, I became dizzy and asked my wife to arrange a doctor's visit with our family doctor.  A druggist suggssted Bonine, which has definitely helped the dizziness.  Jeanie helps me as I write my books or blogs in remembering even simple things like common nouns, verbs, etc.  I have always had difficulty remembering  names.

I may soon see a neurologist for testing of dementia.  Whatever!  I don't care at all for the memory symptoms.  Most friends don't accept my explanation that my brains turned to kidneys when I turned seventy and I now only know when to pee (my bad joke, I hope).  If treatment may delay or prevent Alsheimers I am for it.  

I print a lot of the things I put onto my SamKat blog and take them to a good friend, since he isn't often on computer.  He is a long time Republican of the old school Republicans.  He claims that my copies have shown more hate and grouchiness in the last year.  I hope not, but if so, I apologize to any I may have offended.

I rationalize, but I claim that America's problem of two Americas, as Victor Davis Hanson writes it, is that our national media is far left and ignoring true reports and Conservative Christians are far right and wanting the facts.  I fit the latter group.  I see the problem further that most of my Republican friends are center politically, but they and we Tea Party people are letting the secular-progressives leftists have their way far too much.  I do not like the word 'hate' nor do I like the word 'racist'.

I do believe the current pusa is a black racist who wants to be the dictator of the world, not just of our wonderful country.  He is a heavily financed black-white, raised black, who doesn't believe in our Constitution or the American value system.  He certainly lacks qualifications to be our pusa and Commander in Chief.  His choices of leadership appointees also  lack qualifications our country needs so badly.  There are many other blacks who could have led so much more effectively without all the speeches, blustering, blaming,  and meaningless chatter. 

I believe the 86 % Americans who believe in God are composed of many who may be the key problem in letting the left wing fly the airplane which requires both wings.  We are in a spin for that reason and we need to pull out of it.  America is drifting, similar in a way which allows dictators  to take over country's governments.  It has happened throughout the history in which the USA has been in this world.  I think we have too literally disallowed talk of religion and politics in our social gatherings whether family, secular or religious.

One more thing regarding the possible imminent USA actions in Syria, I heard a conservative talk show host today on 98.9  FM, The Answer,  quote a respected friend of his who said that the current Syrian conflict has two sides: 1.) the Syrian, Hezbullah, and Russians on the government's side, and 2.) Alquaeda, islamic terrorists, and Muslims on the rebels' side.  I, personally want to risk no more of our service people in a confrontation where we cannot support a win for the USA .   To truly win the USA has to get in and stay in until peace and the rule of law, not sharia, can maintain a peacefiul society.  I hope we stay out of this one, especially since we have already waited too long.


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