Todays Lesson
Todays Lesson - Smart AssFm Wild WillySMART ASSOne day a farmer's
donkey fell down into awell. The animal cried
piteously for hours asthe farmer tried to
figure out what to do.Finally, he decided
the animal was old, and thewell needed to be
covered up anyway;it just wasn't worth
it to retrieve the donkey.He invited all his
neighbors to come overand help him. They all
grabbed a shovel and beganto shovel dirt into
the well. At first, thedonkey realized what
was happening and criedhorribly. Then, to
everyone's amazement hequieted
down.A few shovel loads
later, the farmer finallylooked down the well.
He was astonished at whathe saw. With each
shovel of dirt that hit hisback, the donkey was
doing something amazing.he would shake it off
and take a step up.As the farmer's
neighbors continued to shoveldirt on top of the
animal, he would shake itoff and take a step
up.Pretty soon, everyone
was amazed as the donkeystepped up over the
edge of the well andhappily trotted
off!Life is going to
shovel dirt on you, all kindsof dirt. The trick to
getting out of the wellis to shake it off and
take a step up. Each ofour troubles is a
steppingstone. We can get outof the deepest wells
just by not stopping,never giving up! Shake
it off and take a step up.Remember the five
simple rules to be happy:Free your heart from
hatred - - Forgive.Free your mind from
worries - - Most never happen.Live simply and
appreciate what you have.Give
less.NOW . . .Enough of that crap .
. . The donkey later came backand bit the farmer who
had tried to bury him.The gash from the bite
got infected andthe farmer eventually
died in agony from septic shock..MORAL FROM
TODAY'S LESSON:When you do something
wrong,and try to cover your
ass,it always comes back
to bite you.You have two and close thispage,or pass this along to
someone else tospread the fun.
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