If we didn't have a sense of humor, it would be a sad world.
Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Sunday and now Big Plane Monday.A B-1 bomber was in Billings, MT doing practice approaches and touch andgo's. On one of the landings the pilot sets his brakes on fire.He taxis in, and the airport parks him on a taxiway and then puts conesaround him until parts and mechanics can be brought in from Ellsworth AFB,Rapid City, SD the next day.The next day is a Saturday, which doesn't have much going on, so we get tolaughing in the tower that maybe somebody should hang a For Sale sign onthe plane.We convince one of our guys who's well known for doing things like thisthat it would be a good idea. So he takes off for the hardware store tobuy a For Sale sign. On the way back he stops at a car dealer and gets oneof those "As is/No Warranty" signs that hang in all used cars. On that signwas written something like low miles, new engines, needs brakes and tires.Those signs were taped together, and off goes our hero.He climbs over the fence, leaving some skin on the barbed wire, and makeshis way the 1000 feet or so to the aircraft. As he's doing that, we see acouple of airport vehicles starting to gather with the recently arrivedmechanics as well as the plane's crew. Not looking good for our intrepidairplane salesman. He gets to the nose wheel and tapes the sign to the nosestrut. Then he starts to make his way back from the plane as the vehiclesstart to head out from the shop on the way to the bomber. Somehow he makesit without being seen.The vehicles arrive at the plane, and of course notice the sign right away.The Air Force guys are in stitches, funniest thing they've seen in a longtime. Airport guys are not sure what to think. Airport management is lividas they've been tasked with security. Pretty soon a camera appears and allthe Air Force guys are taking pictures of each other by the sign.Our hero is back in the tower now, and notices the bomber's commander istalking on a cell phone. Our guy gets on the radio to the airport truck andasks for that guy's phone number. As soon as he finishes that call, our guycalls the aircraft commander. When he answers, our guy says "I'm callingabout the plane you have for sale." The aircraft commander about falls overfrom the laughter. It just so happened that the chief photographer for ourlocal newspaper is a pilot and he may have been called prior to the signbeing placed. He was told to get up here with a big lens. Here's one of the picshe got:An article showed on the front page of the Sunday paper. When that cameout, the Colonel running Ellsworth called the airport director and read himthe riot act, wondering what kind of dog and pony show he was running upthere. We were later informed by the crew that the sign was framed and isnow permanently mounted inside the aircraft. Hard to have that kind of funanymore.=============
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