I knew nothing about sports until I was 12 and in the sixth grade at Highland School in Portsmouth, Ohio. Howard "Sticks" Brehmer was a great McConnell avenue man who coached the eighth grade team there and often asked me to practice with them after my sixth grade practice. I liked sports immediately for the competitive reasons kids enjoy in sports.
I grew up continuing in the love of 'the game', whatever it was. I have been witness to great ones from all over this world.
Right now Donald Trump brought his condemnation of pro sports who "take a knee" . I agree with our great president.
As a young draftee in the US Army, I thought it was like football practice, until it came to bayonet practice. The husky black Sergeant who taught us that game, woke me to the realization that in war, service people are being trained to act for the team they were on in "killing ' the enemy. Kill? Me? I am a twenty year old Christian from a large Portsmouth family. I want to win the game, but I don't want to kill.
Fortunately, I didn't use the hand to hand bayonet training. In fact I sat behind a desk in Tokyo, Japan for seventeen months.
North Korea is bringing on a terrible conclusion for our world. I don't hate North Koreans. I do want to beat them, but this will mean a lot of killing when it starts. Their ruler king, not gifted with intelligence, but with birth to a tyrant is bringing it on.
My Christian hope is for God to send Jesus to earth again.
God brought the flood before Noah. We are still paying for the sins of Adam and Eve, but God please help us keep the first of the Ten Commandments - "Thou shalt not kill" again. Not as cowards, but as loving Christian soldiers.
Life goes on in Heaven and the Creator of all deserves our praise for the best things of life. Family-Love-Religion-
and winning in the right way.
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