The Christmas Tree - animated Flash ecard by Jacquie Lawson

Clay Vice
8:16 AM (12 minutes ago)

to Don, Roxie, Nancy, Doug, Lois, kelsger, me, DICK, Ron, Darrell, Fred, erveanc, Marc, Norma, Cam, Ron, Marty, Boldman/Meride., AIRMANPHIL
Sam Kegley
8:24 AM (3 minutes ago)

to Clay, Don, Roxie, Nancy, Doug, Lois, kelsger, DICK, Ron, Darrell, Fred, erveanc, Marc, Norma, Cam, Ron, Marty, Boldman/Meride., AIRMANPHIL, bcc: Dave, bcc: John, bcc: John, bcc: Judi, bcc: M, bcc: Marge
Merry Christmas to two Portsmouth area outstanding athletes and
coaches.  God has richly bless the Vice family!  This Jacquie Lawson
card is right on and beautiful!

Sam & Jeanette Kegley
Sam Kegley